Thursday, March 21, 2013

Post 14

Guilt & Redemption: Blade Runner an example of exploration of this theme.  Finding your moral compass.  Being challenged in your morality.
Human Nature & Identity: What does it mean to be human?  Who are you?  Search for self.  Where did you come from?  Who are you trying to be?  How does your ideal self differ from your actual self?
Memory & Knowledge: What are memories?  Can we trust our memories?  Do our memories matter?  How do they affect us?  What is our knowledge?  Can we trust what/who we know?
Right & Wrong:  What is right and what is wrong?  Who decides?  Why do they get to decide?  How do we determine what is right vs what is wrong?
Good & Evil:  What is the difference between good and evil and right and wrong?  How do these compare and contrast?
Detective & Criminal Roles:  Who is the detective and who is the criminal?  How do we know?  Is it the protagonist or antagonist?  What are the characteristics of each of these roles?  How do the characters fit one or the other or both?

Right & Wrong:  I could narrow this down by exploring how the characters in a specific film define for themselves the meaning of right and wrong.  I could also tie this into existential philosophy of creating your own moral code.  I could explore how each of the characters definition varies from one another.  And then, how those definitions align with American culture at large. Also, when using another form of media, I could analyze how it defines right and wrong and how that compares with American Values as well as how it compares with the film.  Do I choose a medium that compares or contrasts with the film?  Do I choose a medium that has similar or dissimilar values as American Culture?  What type of media should I use?  Music video/song?  And advertisement?  A painting?  A photo?  A website?

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