Thursday, March 21, 2013

Post 11

Essay Two Thought Process:

Possible Movies to pick from:
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Big Lebowski
Blade Runner

I was originally going to write about The Big Lebowski and my original theme of exploration was going to be identity. But after watching The Big Lebowski, I only came up with a few notes about identity. I decided to watch another one of the movies to see if I could come up with more ideas.  This time, I decided on Reservoir Dogs and thought I'd look for themes involving right and wrong.  From this, I was able to come up with many more example and roads to take about this topic.  I also felt that there may be more sources available on morality in Reservoir Dogs than on identity in The Big Lebowski, but that was solely a hunch.  I probably wasn't focused enough while watching The Big Lebowski, because I'm sure there is a lot being said about identity looking back on the film.  

I did finally decide on Reservoir Dogs and morality, but then I had to figure out which media I was going to analyze.  I decided Lady Gaga was a huge source of controversy of American values and morality, so I looked through her music videos to see which one I may be able to draw connections from.  Upon seeing Judas, I instantly pictures Mr. Orange as a Judas character.  He betrays the guy who attempts to save him.  The only one who has faith in him.  I figured they were comparable and started on some research!

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