Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Post 5

The movies was amazing!  So many twists!  I love how everything tied together in the end and I also loved how the ending was not a happy one (which, I learned was a debate between Polanski and another person writing the film.  Polanski wanted an unhappy ending, while someone else wanted a happy one).  I especially felt it was approrpaite to have a tragic ending due to the film ending in Chinatown.
I enjoyed this film more tahn I enjoyed Double Indemnity.   I felt this film was more captivating and complex than Double Indemnity was.  There were multiple mysteries to be solved.
For example:
  • Who killed Hollis?
    • Why?
  • Who is Katherine?
    • Where is she?
    • Why is she important?
  • What is really going on with the water and the Water and Power company?
  • What is Mrs. Mulwray hiding?
    • What does she know?
  • Why does Noah cross want Katherine so badly?
    • What does he mean to her?
  • How are all of the above questions related?

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